
On April 22, 2024, the XIV Eurasian Youth Economic Forum started its five-day run in Yekaterinburg, Ural State Economic University. The topic of the Forum "Russia-Eurasia-World. Integration-Development-Perspective" united more than 17 thousand people from 114 countries of the world. Among them - schoolchildren, students, young scientists, rectors and vice-rectors of leading universities of Russia and foreign countries, representatives of leading media, 73 diplomats and 17 Ambassadors.

H.E. the Ambassador Prof. Janitha A. Liyanage and delegations from Sri Lankan Universities of Gampaha Wickramarachchi and Sri Jayewardenepura headed by Vice-Chancellors participated in the Forum.
It has become a tradition that a meeting between Ambassadors of foreign states and students be conducted in the format of equal dialogue, so that students can address the diplomatic corps with the most pressing matters.
Ambassador H.E. Prof. Janitha A. Liyanage took part in the International Diplomatic Forum attended by the Dip Corp, major public associations, business representatives, and government authorities.
In the framework of the visit, Ambassador Prof Janitha A. Liyanage and the delegation took part in the Forum of Rectors of the Russian and foreign Universities, where the representatives of academic circles shared their experience and best practices.
Ambassador Prof. Janitha A. Liyanage gave interview to the regional Mass Media on the progress of collaboration between Sri Lanka and the Sverdlovsk region.

